I have a string template that can be changed and only one value which I want to insert in all placeholders. For example:
String str = "He%s%so, wor%sd";
String value = "L";
I know that I can do next:
String.format(str, value, value, value);
But what if this string changed, how I can format it without changing my code?
Just use %1$s instead of %s like this:
String str = "He%1$s%1$so, wor%1$sd";
String value = "L";
System.out.println(String.format(str, value)); //HeLLo, worLd
Actually, you can use %2, %3... to specific the index of param:
System.out.println(String.format("%2$s --- %1$s", "A", "B")); //B --- A