I have a dataframe df
userID Score Task_Alpha Task_Beta Task_Charlie Task_Delta
3108 -8.00 Easy Easy Easy Easy
3207 3.00 Hard Easy Match Match
3350 5.78 Hard Easy Hard Hard
3961 10.00 Easy NA Hard Hard
4021 10.00 Easy Easy NA Hard
1. userID is factor variable
2. Score is numeric
3. All the 'Task_' features are factor variables with possible values 'Hard', 'Easy', 'Match' or NA
I want to create new columns per userID
that contain the counts of occurrence for each possible state of the Task_
feature. For the above toy example, the required output would be three new columns to be appended at the end of the df
as below:
userID Hard Match Easy
3108 0 0 4
3207 1 2 1
3350 3 0 1
3961 2 0 1
4021 1 0 2
Update: This question is not a duplicate, an associated part of the original question has been moved to: R How to counting the factors in ordered sequence
You can compare the dataframe df
to each value in a map*
or *apply
function, compute the row-wise sums of the resulting boolean matrix, then combine the output with the original dataframe:
facs <- c("Easy", "Match", "Hard")
bind_cols(df, set_names(map_dfc(facs, ~ rowSums(df == ., na.rm = T)), facs))
#### OUTPUT ####
userID Score Task_Alpha Task_Beta Task_Charlie Task_Delta Easy Match Hard
1 3108 -8.00 Easy Easy Easy Easy 4 0 0
2 3207 3.00 Hard Easy Match Match 1 2 1
3 3350 5.78 Hard Easy Hard Hard 1 0 3
4 3961 10.00 Easy <NA> Hard Hard 1 0 2
5 4021 10.00 Easy Easy <NA> Hard 2 0 1