I am trying to verify a static method was never called while testing a service method with powerMockito 1.6.4
I followed This answer to do the same.
following is my code.
@RunWith ( PowerMockRunner.class)
@PrepareForTest ( MyClass.class)
@PowerMockIgnore ( "javax.net.ssl.*")
public class SomeTests
public void testMyMethodIsNotCalled() throws Exception
The problem I am facing now is that, MyClass.myMethod(Mockito.any());
calls the real myMethod
and gives a nullPointerException.
My assumption is that MyClass.myMethod(Mockito.any());
works with PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Mockito.never());
in order to specify the static method to be verified.
Am I missing something?
you have to mock the static method behaviour also
i.e. something like this
expect( NameOfClass.nameOfMethod((URL)Mockito.any(),Mockito.anyString())).andReturn(actualOutput);