I need to create a button to open a window in java fx. Not swing. No fxml.
A. Can you have more than one stage? I think not, but I saw a site saying otherwise.
B. do I have to make the button create a class that extends application, override start() ...
I've looked at the following to no avail. I've seen a lot, I just dont understand what's there or how to implement it. How do I modify my code to make it work?
Button to push new customers onto queue. Opens a new popu window (stage) to enter customer information.
btSave.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
//SCENE 3 OF 3: ADD SCENE, Pane & Nodes
GridPane addPane = new GridPane();
//add nodes
addPane.add(new Label("Customer Name"), 1,1);
addPane.add(tfName, 1,2);
addPane.add(new Label("Size of Party"), 1,3);
addPane.add(tfParty, 1,4);
addPane.add(new Label("Customer Phone Number"), 1,5);
addPane.add(tfPhone, 1,6);
addPane.add(btSave, 1, 7);
Scene addScene = new Scene(addPane, 300, 250);
primaryStage.setTitle("Add Customer to Queue");
// Customer cust = new Customer();
// cust.name = tfName.getText();
// cust.party = Integer.parseInt(tfParty.getText());
// cust.phone = Integer.parseInt(tfPhone.getText());
// qLine.offer(cust);
I would like the button to show "Add" and would like it to open a new window when clicked.
If you are asking about opening a new Stage, the below code may help you.
Button btSave = new Button();
btSave.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
//SCENE 3 OF 3: ADD SCENE, Pane & Nodes
GridPane addPane = new GridPane();
//add nodes
addPane.add(new Label("Customer Name"), 1,1);
addPane.add(tfName, 1,2);
addPane.add(new Label("Size of Party"), 1,3);
addPane.add(tfParty, 1,4);
addPane.add(new Label("Customer Phone Number"), 1,5);
addPane.add(tfPhone, 1,6);
addPane.add(btSave, 1, 7);
Stage addStage = new Stage();
Scene addScene = new Scene(addPane, 300, 250);
addStage.setTitle("Add Customer to Queue");