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How to plot heatmap in Julia

I have a (21,100)-array and want to plot it as 2D-Histogram (heatmap). If I plot it naively with histogram2d(A, nbins= 20) it only plots the first 21 points.

I tried to loop it, but then I had 100 histograms with 21 points. Another idea would be to put the data in a (2100)-array but this seems like a bad idea.

Addition: I have a scatter plot/data and want it shown as a heatmap. The more points in one bin the "darker" the color. So I have 21 x-values each with 100 y-values.


  • Here it is a typical scenario for a heatmap plot:

    using Plots
    data = rand(21,100)
        1:size(data,2), data,
        c=cgrad([:blue, :white,:red, :yellow]),
        xlabel="x values", ylabel="y values",
        title="My title")

    enter image description here