Hej, I have some code in C, that dosent work. I am just trying to get a price from typedef potatoes to my check-out fuction. I "//" the code which is not in use. I there are needed more info please just ask, though I have no clue how to get pas this problem. So any help is much appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int number;
void get_number ( );
void show_menu ( );
int get_input ( );
void chech_out ();
struct Product
float potatoes;
typedef struct Product product;
int main (void)
struct Product product;
while (1)
//show_product1 ();
show_menu ();
if (get_input ()) // end on "a"
printf ("Bye!");
return 0;
void show_menu (void)
printf ("Type what you wanne do");
printf ("f)change amount h)chech out s)Strawberry");
printf ("c)carrots p)potatoes o)Onion");
printf ("a)quit");
void get_number ( )
printf ("Enter number in kg: ");
scanf ("%d", &number);
int get_input (struct Product *product )
char letter;
scanf ("%c", &letter);
switch (letter)
case 'f':
printf("\n\n\nWhenever you enter a new amount it will reset the old one!\n\n");
case 'h':
case 'c':
case 'p':
float P_freightPrice = number*12;
float P_kgPrice = number*25;
float P_totalprice=P_freightPrice+P_kgPrice;
product->potatoes = P_totalprice;
if (P_totalprice <= 100)
if (P_totalprice>=101 && number<=350)
float New=(P_totalprice/100)*5;
float total=P_totalprice-New;
if(P_totalprice>=351 && P_totalprice<=600)
float New=(P_totalprice/100)*10;
float total=P_totalprice-New;
float New=(P_totalprice/100)*15;
float total=P_totalprice-New;
case 'a':
return 1;
return 0;
void chech_out (struct Product *product)
I get the error message:
hj4.c:181:28: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct Product'
hj4.c:181:28: runtime error: load of null pointer of type 'float'
==1476==ERROR: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x000000422814 bp 0x7ffd19c2f280 sp 0x7ffd19c2f260 T1476)
==1476==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
==1476==Hint: address points to the zero page.
#0 0x422813 (/root/sandbox/hj4+0x422813)
#1 0x42246e (/root/sandbox/hj4+0x42246e)
#2 0x42232a (/root/sandbox/hj4+0x42232a)
#3 0x7f11cd86fb96 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x21b96)
#4 0x402ae9 (/root/sandbox/hj4+0x402ae9)
UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer can not provide additional info.
I guess I just need some pointers to solve this problem;)
I can't tell why your compiler is not warning about this, but your chech_out
function is declared up top as chech_out()
- with no parameters - but the definition includes one: chech_out(struct Product *product)
. When the function is called, it's treating garbage on the stack as a pointer to a product, and failing.
Edit: the reason the compiler is not warning is because declaring functions up top with just open+close parentheses means the parameter list is undefined (to be compatible with older versions of C): if a function truly takes no parameters, defined them as int myfunction(void)
where the void
says "I take no parameters"
To fix this
// define struct Product here
void get_number (void);
void show_menu (void);
int get_input (struct Product *);
void chech_out (struct Product *);
and now let your compiler tell you what you've missed.