I want to implement a functional kotlin interface (interface with a single abstract method) as a kotlin lambda. How to do that?
Kotlin interface
interface Foo{
fun bar(input: String): String
Kotlin implementation .
fun createFoo(): Foo {
return { input: String -> "Hello $input!" }
↑ doesn't compile ↑
It has to be implemented as object, which is ugly as hell.
fun createFoo() =
object : Foo{
override fun bar(input: String)= "Hello $input"
EDIT: corrected my sample interface from java to kotlin
SAM conversion will be supported with version 1.4, with a new type inference algorithm.
It works if the companion object implements the invoke
function taking a lambda.
Kotlin interface
interface Foo{
fun bar(input: String): String
companion object {
inline operator fun invoke(crossinline function: (String) -> String) =
object : Foo{
override fun bar(input: String) = function(input)
Kotlin implementation
fun createFoo()= Foo { input: String -> "Hello $input!" }
Functional/SAM interfaces defined in kotlin can't be implemented as Kotlin lambdas by design, see KT-7770.
In Kotlin an functional / SAM interface is considered as an anti-pattern, a function type should be declared instead: (String)->String
. The function type can be expressed as typealias to make it look and feel like an interface: typealias Foo=(String)->String
Note: The typealias is not visible in Java code only in Kotlin!