I'm trying to generate 10 random times within a range of two times, and there is a condition that the times generated cannot have less than 30 minutes between them. So, if i Start at 10:00am and end at 05:00pm, the times between these must be a least 30 minutes between them.
I already can get the random times, but don't know how to put the condition there, any ideas?
public LocalTime between(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime) {
int startSeconds = startTime.toSecondOfDay();
int endSeconds = endTime.toSecondOfDay();
int randomTime = ThreadLocalRandom
.nextInt(startSeconds, endSeconds);
return LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(randomTime);
i put this in a for loop to get 10 of them
For a good random distribution: Out of the 7 hours between your start of 10:00 and your end of 17:00 (on a 24 hour clock, “military hours”), 4 hours 30 minutes are already reserved for your minimal gaps (9 gaps @ 30 minutes minimum). So subtract 4:30 from 7, this gives 2 hours 30 minutes of freedom.