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Spring & Couchbase - how to create indexes via code

My Spring Boot app is using Couchbase 5.1 community.

My app needs both a primary & several secondary indexes.

Currently, in order to create the needed indexes, I access the UI and the query page and manually create the indexes that the app needs as described here.

I was looking for a way to do it automatically via code, so when the app is starting, it will check if the indexes are missing and will create them if needed.

Is there a way to do it via Spring Data or via the Couchbase client?


  • So this is how I solve it:

    public class MyCouchBaseRepository{
    private Bucket bucket;
    public MyCouchBaseRepository(<My Repository that extends CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository>  myRepository){
        bucket = myRepository.getCouchbaseOperations().getCouchbaseBucket();
    private void createIndices(){
       bucket.bucketManager().createN1qlPrimaryIndex(true, false)
       bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple("CREATE INDEX xyz ON `myBucket`(userId) WHERE _class = 'com.example.User'"))