I need the screen dimensions for a project, but trying windowWidth and windowHeight yields an error saying I can't use them outside of setup(). I also tried defining the windowWidth and Height to a new constant, but it simply says the constant has not been defined.
Here's the current state of my code (doesn't work, but gives a pretty good idea of the code):
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var speed = 5;
var laserSpeed = 10;
var laserY = 0;
var laserX = Xwidth;
function draw() {
//changing x and y var according to keys pressed
if(keyIsPressed) {
if (key.toString() === "a") {
x -= speed;
if (key.toString() === "w") {
y -= speed;
if (key.toString() === "d") {
x += speed;
if (key.toString() === "s") {
y += speed;
if(laserX >= width) {
laserY = random(0, height);
else {
laserX += laserSpeed;
rect(laserX, laserY, 100, 20);
rect(x, y, 20, 20);
If you use global variables like WIDTH and HEIGHT it will allow you to use them from anywhere in the code.
let WIDTH;
function setup() {
WIDTH = windowWidth;
HEIGHT = windowHeight;
createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);