Pattern eqPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*?)([a-z0-9\\_\\.]*) eq \"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])*)\"([\\s]*.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
This is my regex. When I try to match a long string, I got stack overflow. The pattern will match something like column1 eq "abc" and column ne "abc"; (\\\")|[^\"]): to skip " in inside "". I want to ask how to rewrite this to prevent stack overflow.
The best approach is to remove the alternation from the regex.
That can be done like this, which uses the unrolled loop instead:
"(.*?)([\\w.]*) eq \"([^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\[\\S\\s][^\"\\\\]*)*)\"(\\s*.*)"
Raw and Expanded
( .*? ) # (1)
( [\w.]* ) # (2)
[ ] eq [ ]
( # (3 start)
\\ [\S\s]
) # (3 end)
( \s* .* ) # (4)