I currently have an input search bar with a submit button and code that will display the API data that I want. However, in the URL for the API, it sets the location to the postcode "FK1 5LD" as you can see the section "area=FK1%205LD". The way the data is displayed and formatted works perfectly for me. But I would like to be able to type in the postcode "FK1 5LD" into the input search bar and when I click the submit button, it would display the API data I have already coded.
Thank you!
Search Bar and Button HTML
<input name="search" placeholder="Search.." type="text"><button>Search</button>
Javascript to display API information
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
url: "http://api.lmiforall.org.uk/api/v1/census/jobs_breakdown?area=FK1%205LD",
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
var str = "";
for(var i= 0; i < data.jobsBreakdown.length; i++){
str +='Job Title : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].description+' <br> Total Number of People Engaged in Occupency : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].value+' <br> Percentage of Occupancies in Area : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].percentage.toPrecision(2)+'% <br><br>';
Might have missed the mark - but you just want to have the data call out for whatever is currently typed into the search field right? If so this should do it - just need to make a few element references and expose the end of the url for updates.
<input id="mySearchField" name="search" placeholder="Search.." type="text">
<button id="mySearchButton">Search</button>
<div id="myContentArea></div>
$(function() {
var _myContentArea = document.getElementById("myContentArea");
var _mySearchButton = document.getElementById("mySearchButton");
_mySearchButton.onclick = getData;
function getData(){
var _mySearchField = document.getElementById("mySearchField");
url: "http://api.lmiforall.org.uk/api/v1/census/jobs_breakdown?area="+_mySearchField.value,
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
var str = "";
for(var i= 0; i < data.jobsBreakdown.length; i++){
str +='Job Title : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].description+' <br> Total Number of People Engaged in Occupency : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].value+' <br> Percentage of Occupancies in Area : '+data.jobsBreakdown[i].percentage.toPrecision(2)+'% <br><br>';
_myContentArea.innerHTML = str;