I'm trying to build an IF formula, where I compare two dates, but my formula means same dates would be different.
So, I have in A2 a date, like 2019-11-04
In B2 I have a date like 201945
In A3 I check the week number with =isoweeknum(A2)
and get 45.
In B3 I check the week number with =MID(B2; 5; 2)
and get 45 too.
Then i try to compare them with =IF(((isoweeknum(A2))=(MID(B2;5;2))); "OK"; "different numbers")
- but get different numbers
On trying to write the formula as =IF(a3=b3; "OK"; "different numbers")
I get different numbers
Why Sheets treat it as different? How should I write the formula so, that these same values are recognized as same?
auto-converts stuff to string (Plain text) so try:
=IF(ISOWEEKNUM(A2)=MID(B2; 5; 2)*1; "OK"; "different numbers")