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how to render argmax symbol in jupyter notebook?

I am trying to reproduce this formula coming from the CMU Machine Learning lecture.

enter image description here

this code

$\hat{\theta}^{MLE} =\argmax_{\theta} \operatorname {P}(D|\theta)=\dfrac{\alpha_1}{\alpha_1 + \alpha_0}$

generates this one

enter image description here

in Jupyter notebook (Mathjax)

how to render that argmax symbol properly in jupyter notebook?


  • Use \underset command

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    $$\hat{\theta}^{MLE} =\underset{\theta}{\operatorname{arg max}}{P}(D|\theta)=\dfrac{\alpha_1}{\alpha_1 + \alpha_0}$$