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Can I send messages between objects without photonView in Unity C#?

I am making a 3D online mobile game in unity C#. I want the room to wait until everyone in the room to load the scene. I made a waiting UI for people who joined early but I can't find a clear way to cout the players who have things such as entered the scene without writing dirty code such as making a syncronized counter object. Can I send messages between objects without photonView in Unity C#?


  • I can't find a clear way to cout the players who have things such as entered the scene without writing dirty code such as making a syncronized counter object

    From Master Client (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient check), check the number of actors joined to the room whenever a new player joins (inside IInRoomCallbacks.OnPlayerEnteredRoom callback, read about callbacks here). If the number matches the one you expect, load the level from the Master Client using the Photon method (PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel, see reference API here) and not the default Unity method. All clients of other joined players will follow automatically.

    Can I send messages between objects without photonView in Unity C#?

    Yes. Use custom events via PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent. Read more about it here.