I need to get variants where parent_id
is null
in Belongs To Many Relation in Laravel Voyager
class="form-control @if(isset($options->taggable) && $options->taggable == 'on') select2-taggable @else select2-ajax @endif"
name="{{ $relationshipField }}[]" multiple
data-get-items-route="{{route('voyager.' . $dataType->slug.'.relation')}}" data-get-items-field="{{$row->field}}"
@if(isset($options->taggable) && $options->taggable == 'on')
data-route="{{ route('voyager.'.\Illuminate\Support\Str::slug($options->table).'.store') }}"
You will need to customise the controller called by the route : {{route('voyager.' . $dataType->slug.'.relation')}}
which will be $breadController.'@relation'
. You can in the said controller override the public method relation
by inspiring you on the original one (l.822) to send back the eloquent models it normally would filtered by a ->where('parent_id', null)
(in both l.838 and l.840).
You might also be interested in looking into the Query Scope offered by Laravel.