One of my homework exercises is as follows:
mov al,77h
sub al,80h
When I first saw it, I thought the result of positive number minus positive number won't overflow. And I just made OF equals to 0.
But my Assembly code shows me that OF=1.
I'm using MASM6.15, 32bit console environment
Here is my code and the output:
Code 1:
; eg000000.asm in Windows Console
mov al,77h ;119
sub al,80h ;128
call disprf ;show those 6 flags
call dispbd ;binary
call dispcrlf
call disphd ;hexadecimal
exit 0
end start
Output 1:
OF=1, SF=1, ZF=0, AF=0, PF=0, CF=1
000000000001100111111111 1111 0111
Code 2:
; eg000000.asm in Windows Console
mov al,77h
add al,-80h ;-128
call disprf
call dispbd
call dispcrlf
call disphd
exit 0
end start
Output 2:
OF=0, SF=1, ZF=0, AF=0, PF=0, CF=0
000000000001100111111111 1111 0111
Code 3:
; eg0000.asm in Windows Console
mov al,77h
sub al,7fh ;127
call disprf
call dispbd
call dispcrlf
call disphd
exit 0
end start
Output 3:
OF=0, SF=1, ZF=0, AF=1, PF=0, CF=1
000000000001100111111111 1111 1000
In 'Code 1:' I expect OF=0 and CF=1
In 'Code 2:' I expect CF=1
'Code 3:' it's output is correct
Could somebody tell me that why is it and what if the immediate number is out of range like 'Code 1:' before the computer completes it's computing. I know that no matter signed or unsigned number, the computer just doesn't know about it.
BTW: My first ask here. If there's something I did wrong, I'll appreciate it if you could point it out and tell me the correct way to do it.:)
The signed 2's complement interpretation of the 80h
bit-pattern is -128
. This is what matters for how sub
sets OF. See also Understanding Carry vs. Overflow conditions/flags for signed vs. unsigned.
is the same value and will assemble to the same machine-code.