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Excel VBA Recursive function return not the expected result

I have the following function Which Is calling itself (Recursive). The goal is to return a unique filename formatted as filename (1).ext, filename (2).ext, etc.

Function CreateUniqueFileName(strPath As String, strFileName, orderId As Integer) As String
Dim extPos As Integer
Dim extension As String
Dim fileName As String

fileName = ""

extPos = InStrRev(strFileName, ".")

If (extPos > 0) Then
    fileName = Left(strFileName, extPos - 1)
    extension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - extPos)

    If (orderId = 0) Then
        fileName = strFileName
        CreateUniqueFileName = fileName
        fileName = fileName & " (" & CStr(orderId) & ")." & extension
    End If

    If (DoesFileExist(strPath & fileName)) Then
        Call CreateUniqueFileName(strPath, fileName, orderId + 1)
        CreateUniqueFileName = fileName
        Exit Function
    End If
End If
End Function

If it is called the first time and the orderId value is 0 this is always the first one and therefore unique. So in that case the function is only called once. But when the recursion is executed and the DoesFileExists returns false the return value should return the generated filename and exit. However, when I debug the function is executing without errors but it always returns the original value instead of the result of the original iteration.

So for example, if I call this function like this: CreateUniqueFileName("C:\Temp\",""1010-40-800.jpg",1) It checks in C:\temp if there is already a file named 1010-40-800 (1).jpg, if so the same function is called and the orderId is updated by 1 in this case CreateUniqueFileName("C:\Temp\",""1010-40-800.jpg",2). The same process is repeated (Recusive). Now assume the 1010-40-800 (2).jpg is unique (File is not found). I would expect the function to return 1010-40-800 (2).jpg as as string result. But instead it will return the value 1010-40-800 (1).jpg. Which is actually the value of the first time the function is called.

What am I missing here?


  • You just have a small flaw in your code when you call your function recursively. Try this

    Function CreateUniqueFileName(strPath As String, strFileName, orderId As Integer) As String
        Dim extPos As Integer
        Dim extension As String
        Dim fileName As String
        fileName = ""
        extPos = InStrRev(strFileName, ".")
        If (extPos > 0) Then
            fileName = Left(strFileName, extPos - 1)
            extension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - extPos)
            If (orderId = 0) Then
                fileName = strFileName
                CreateUniqueFileName = fileName
                fileName = fileName & " (" & CStr(orderId) & ")." & extension
            End If
            If (DoesFileExist(strPath & fileName)) Then
                CreateUniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName(strPath, fileName, orderId + 1)
                CreateUniqueFileName = fileName
                'Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    This is still not giving you what you want as it appends every orderID but you should see the flaw and hopefully be able to fix the remaining issue.

    I used the following function to check if a file exists

    Function DoesFileExist(fullFileName As String) As Boolean
        Dim TestStr As String
        TestStr = ""
        On Error Resume Next
        TestStr = Dir(fullFileName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If TestStr = "" Then
            DoesFileExist = False
            DoesFileExist = True
        End If
    End Function

    But in this case IMO a loop would be better for getting a unique file name.

    Update: Find attached the completely fixed version for the recursive call and a "loop" version

     Function CreateUniqueFileName(strPath As String, strFileName, orderID As Integer) As String
        Dim extPos As Integer
        Dim extension As String
        Dim fileName As String
        Dim resFilename As String
        extPos = InStrRev(strFileName, ".")
        If (extPos > 0) Then
            fileName = Left(strFileName, extPos - 1)
            extension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - extPos)
            If (orderID = 0) Then
                resFilename = strFileName
                resFilename = fileName & " (" & CStr(orderID) & ")." & extension
            End If
            If (DoesFileExist(strPath & resFilename)) Then
                CreateUniqueFileName = CreateUniqueFileName(strPath, strFileName, orderID + 1)
                CreateUniqueFileName = resFilename
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    And the version with a loop

    Function CreateUniqueFileNameA(strPath As String, strFileName) As String
        Dim extPos As Integer
        Dim extension As String
        Dim fileName As String
        Dim resFilename As String
        Dim orderID As Long
        extPos = InStrRev(strFileName, ".")
        If extPos > 0 Then
            fileName = Left(strFileName, extPos - 1)
            extension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - extPos)
            orderID = 0
            resFilename = strFileName
            Do While DoesFileExist(strPath & resFilename)
                orderID = orderID + 1
                resFilename = fileName & " (" & CStr(orderID) & ")." & extension
        End If
        CreateUniqueFileNameA = resFilename
    End Function