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How to make assciation of different kind of roles(agent and client)

I am using devise as a user model with rolify for roles

A user has one role called 'client'

A user has one role called 'agent'

I want to make a association like this

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :agents # if user role is client will get all agents
  has_many :clients # if user role is agent will get all clients

How to make above associations. Please help me. Thanks


  • I solved the above problem with following associations. Let me know if I am wrong

    class User < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :user_agents
      has_many :agents, through: :user_agents # if user role is client will get all agents
      has_many :user_clients, class_name: 'UserAgent', foreign_key: :agent_id
      has_many :clients, source: :user, through: :user_clients # if user role is agent will get all clients
    # field: user_id and agent_id
    class UserAgent < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :user
      belongs_to :agent, class_name: 'User'