I'm trying to filter a sorted stream using java9´s takeWhile to get objects from the beginning of the stream that share the same value for a field. I am unable to write the right predicate to do so. This can be done using two steps breaking the pipeline of the stream.
Stream.of(objA, objB, objC, objD, objE, objF, objG)
.takeWhile(" get the value of objA´s field and take
as long as as other objects value for that field is the same as objA´s");
In two steps I could do something like
int x = Stream.of(objA, objB, objC, objD, objE, objF, objG).findFirst().get().getSomeValue();
Stream.of(objA, objB, objC, objD, objE, objF, objG).takeWhile(e -> e.getSomeValue() == x);
A simplified example could be
.takeWhile(get the first four '5'´s)
Can this be done without the intermediate step using optional.get?
A (bit clumsy) workaround is to use a mutable holder object (because the reference must be effectively final) that contains either null
or the first value. We'll use AtomicReference
in this example.
AtomicReference<MyClass> holder = new AtomicReference<>();
sortedStream.takeWhile(e -> holder.get() == null || holder.get().equals(e))
.map(e -> { holder.set(e); return e; })
Now this still contains an extra step, but as a Stream
can only be processed once, the findFirst()
approach won't work anyway. This also keeps setting the holder object even if it has been set, but that's just a minor annoyance rather than a problem.
As Holger pointed out, a better and more streamlined version would be
sortedStream.takeWhile(e -> holder.compareAndSet(null, e.getSomeValue()) || e.getSomeValue() == holder.get())
where with the first element compareAndSet
assigns the value, returning true, and the subsequent elements are compared against the holder's value.
If you do use this approach, I recommend adding a comment pointing to this question/answer, or at least somehow try to explain what this code achieves, as it may not be immediately obvious to people reading the code.