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Liquid syntax error: Tag was not properly terminated with regexp: /\%\}/

I have a an if condition in my liquid template like this

Username: {{}}
{% if extras['password_to_be_sent'] %}
Password: {{extras['password_to_be_sent']}}
{% endif %}
Trial expiration: {{user.trial_expiration}}

However this is generating a line break when the if condition does not evaluate to true

so the above generated output like this

Username: Abc

Trail Expiration: 2019-11-10

I want to remove the additional line break when the if condition does not evaluate to true

i tried adding - as suggested here

so updated code to

Username: {{}}
{%- if extras['password_to_be_sent'] -%}
Password: {{extras['password_to_be_sent']}}
{%- endif -%}
Trial expiration: {{user.trial_expiration}}

but this is giving an exception Liquid::SyntaxError (Liquid syntax error: Tag '{%- if extras['password_to_be_sent'] -%}' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\%\}/)

Additionally, I am saving the template code in database, if that helps.

Any help in this would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Answered above in a comment, but here it is again:

    I see you've also tagged Ruby on Rails — if your Rails app is consuming a version of Liquid earlier than 4.0.0, you won't be able to use the whitespace control tags. Those were added in Liquid 4.0.0.