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Read a Sankey Diagram from a html file

I am making slides in the R package Xaringan and I want to present a few Sankey diagrams. I have them in a folder as html files. How can I load the diagrams into my presentation?


  • This has to do with reading html files into an Rmd file. Start with creating and saving a Sankey Network:

    # this is from the help section of NetworkD3)
    # Load energy projection data
    URL <- paste0('',
    energy <- jsonlite::fromJSON(URL)
    sn <-sankeyNetwork(Links = energy$links, Nodes = energy$nodes, Source = 'source',
                 Target = 'target', Value = 'value', NodeID = 'name',
                 units = 'TWh', fontSize = 12, nodeWidth = 30)

    Then create an Rmd file and do the following recomended by hrbrmstr in his answer to a similar question.

    title: "Read Sankey into Rmarkdown file"
    author: "user"
    output: html_document
    Read a Sankey diagram into a Rmd file
    ```{r Sankey, results='asis'}
    tmp <- URLencode(paste(readLines(paste(getwd(),"Sankey.html",sep = "/")), collapse="\n"))
    cat('<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,', tmp ,'" style="border: solid; seamless:seamless; width: 100%; height: 200px"></iframe>')