I have tried to embed a dashboard into but i am getting the following error inside the iFrame
Steps i have done:
List the users using aws cli
to get their ARNs using the following command
aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id=717381691678 --namespace=default
After the getting the ARN, i have called the command to get the embed url.
aws quicksight get-dashboard-embed-url --aws-account-id 717381691678 --dashboard-id b29f1bd1-e6d3-4091-a51e-9d954XXXX46b --identity-type QUICKSIGHT --user-arn "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:71738169XXX:user/default/XXX"
The above command successfully responded with embed URL, I then added the URL to Quicksight embedding sdk:
var options = {
url: realylongurl.com,
container: document.getElementById("graphContainer"),
scrolling: "no",
height: "700px",
width: "1000px"
var dashboard = QuickSightEmbedding.embedDashboard(options);
I know that the URL has only 5 minute before expiring, but i am sure that i tested before that.
I am only using cli because, currently it in the process of development, i will soon change this into NodeJS SDK
Problem solved, it was due to my region configured wrong. Changed the region in the config
file, now it is working fine.