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PrimeFaces Extensions CKEditor with MathJax Plugin

I am trying to use the Mathjax plugin for CKEditor to use mathematical formulas using Tex.

Doesany one knows how to solve this bug resources-ckeditor generate this link which is wrong: /javax.faces.resource/ckeditor/plugins/mathjax/?ln=primefaces-extensions&v=7.0.2images/loader.gif

This url works correctly /javax.faces.resource/ckeditor/plugins/mathjax/images/loader.gif?ln=primefaces-extensions&v=7.0.2

I am using primefaces 7 primefaces-extensions 7.0.2 resources-ckEditor 7.0.2


  • Enhancement Ticket Opened:

    Due to the nature of CKEditor and the complexity of the MathJax plugin there is no way for you to add this externally to the PFE CKeditor component. This functionality will have to be added as a first class citizen to the PFE component.

    Update July 2020: This plugin has been implemented for PFE 8.0.4