I am querying dexie database with startsWithIgnoreCase and push result in an array but while printing or using it, it is throwing an error as undefined
I have tried using JSON.stringify, toString, String to convert it in a string and print on console but still it showing undefined
While print whole array to console showing normal Array()
arr = [];
.each(function (friend) {
console.log(arr[0]); //undefined
console.log(arr); //Array() with correct element inside
I should at least print something when i use console.log(arr[0])
invoking data from database, is something asynchronous and javascript is not waiting for you till your task be done unless you told it. use async/await in your query. something like this:
async myControllerFunction()=>{
arr = [];
let firends = await db.table('friends').where('name').startsWithIgnoreCase('DoB/')
.each(function (friend) {