Using AngularJS
and ui-router
to create states and I have a parent and child state.
.state('portfolio', {
url: '/portfolio',
templateUrl: 'app/templates/portfolio/portfolio.tpl.htm',
controller: 'portfolioCtrl',
controllerAs: '$ctrl'
.state('portfolio.patent', {
url: '/:patentId',
"": {
controller: 'caseOverviewCtrl',
controllerAs: '$ctrl',
templateUrl: 'app/templates/patent/case-overview.tpl.htm',
In portfolio
in the controller I make a request, await the promise and then display the data to the user in a table. If the user selects an item from the table, it displays further information in a child state portfolio.patent
, passing an id value to $stateParams
, which I then use to make the $http call to fetch more information.
If I refresh the page, the child state is displaying before the parent state, as the parent state $http request takes longer to resolve as there is a lot more data to fetch. I've tried to check from the child state the value of portfolioLoaded
but it only checks it once.
How do I check the parent state promise has resolved, before displaying the child state to the user?
I see using ng-show
in the `portfolio.patent' view to check the controller whether the parent promise has been resolved.
var promise = patentsRestService.fetchAllPatents();
var patents = response;
$scope.portfolioLoaded = true;
function init() {
if($scope.$parent.portfolioLoaded) {
$scope.parentLoaded = true;
<div data-ng-show="$ctrl.portfolioLoaded" class="animate-show">
Save the promise in the parent controller:
$scope.promise = patentsRestService.fetchAllPatents();
var patents = response;
$scope.portfolioLoaded = true;
Use the promise in the child controller:
function init() {
$scope.$parent.promise.then(function() {
$scope.parentLoaded = true;
This will properly delay the setting.