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Objective C - OCMock and stubbing?

Is it possible to have an actual object of a class and only mock a method in that class instead of mocking the whole object?

I want the object to behave 100% the same as the real object except 1 method.


MyObject *object = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[[[object stub] andReturn:@"some_string"] getMyString];


  • Yes, that's what partial mocks are for.

    Partial mocks

    id aMock = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:anObject]

    Creates a mock object that can be used in the same way as anObject. When a method that is not stubbed is invoked it will be forwarded to anObject. When a stubbed method is invoked using a reference to anObject, rather than the mock, it will still be handled by the mock.

    Note that currently partial mocks cannot be created for instances of toll-free bridged classes, e.g. NSString.
