Search code examples

Getting POJO objects into JTable

I'm trying to populate a JTable with POJOS that I've extracted using Gson(). Using the debugger, or by printing the values to the console using toString(), I can see that the mapping of the objects was successful. My problem lies with populating my custom Jtable with the objects.

Problem: My GUI contains a button that takes a search field, and sends it to an API which returns a response in JSON, which I map correctly but I do not know how to get the data into the table.

What I've tried: The addFilings() and insertFilings() methods return: The method addFilings(Filing) in the type FilingsTableModel is not applicable for the arguments (ExtractorClass)


Here is the Filing Class with getters and setters and toString() method:


public class Filing {

    private static String id;
    private FilingDate filingDate;
    private AcceptedDate acceptedDate;
    private PeriodEndDate periodEndDate;
    private String reportType;
    private String secUniqueId;
    private String filingUrl;
    private String reportUrl;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public FilingDate getFilingDate() {
        return filingDate;

    public void setFilingDate(FilingDate filingDate) {
        this.filingDate = filingDate;

    public AcceptedDate getAcceptedDate() {
        return acceptedDate;

    public void setAcceptedDate(AcceptedDate acceptedDate) {
        this.acceptedDate = acceptedDate;

    public PeriodEndDate getPeriodEndDate() {
        return periodEndDate;

    public void setPeriodEndDate(PeriodEndDate periodEndDate) {
        this.periodEndDate = periodEndDate;

    public String getReportType() {
        return reportType;

    public void setReportType(String reportType) {
        this.reportType = reportType;

    public String getSecUniqueId() {
        return secUniqueId;

    public void setSecUniqueId(String secUniqueId) {
        this.secUniqueId = secUniqueId;

    public String getFilingUrl() {
        return filingUrl;

    public void setFilingUrl(String filingUrl) {
        this.filingUrl = filingUrl;

    public String getReportUrl() {
        return reportUrl;

    public void setReportUrl(String reportUrl) {
        this.reportUrl = reportUrl;

    public String toString() {
        return "[id: " + id + ", Filing Date: " + filingDate.year + "/" + filingDate.month + "/" +
                + ", report_type: " + reportType + ", Report url: " + reportUrl + "]";


Here is the Extractor class to map the objects:

import java.util.List;

public class ExtractorClass {

private List<Filing> filings = null;
private Company company;
private String nextPage;

public List<Filing> getFilings() {
return filings;

public void setFilings(List<Filing> filings) {
this.filings = filings;

public Company getCompany() {
return company;

public void setCompany(Company company) { = company;

public String getNextPage() {
return nextPage;

public void setNextPage(String nextPage) {
this.nextPage = nextPage;


Here is the JButton in the main application window:

    JButton btnNewButton = new JButton("Search");
        btnNewButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

                ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
                ApiKeyAuth auth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");

                // String identifier = "AAPL"; // String | A Company identifier (Ticker,
                // CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID)

                String reportType = null; // String | Filter by report type [see -
                // /documentation/sec_filing_report_types]. Separate values with commas to
                // return multiple report types.
                LocalDate startDate = null; // LocalDate | Filed on or after the given date
                LocalDate endDate = null; // LocalDate | Filed before or after the given date
                Integer pageSize = 50; // Integer | The number of results to return
                String nextPage = null; // String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call

                String userInput = null;

                CompanyApi companyApi = new CompanyApi();
                userInput = textField.getText().trim().toUpperCase();
                String identifier = userInput;

                try {

                    ApiResponseCompanyFilings result = companyApi.getCompanyFilings(identifier, reportType, startDate,
                            endDate, pageSize, nextPage);

                    String convertedResult = new Gson().toJson(result);

                    ExtractorClass extractedObjects = new Gson().fromJson(convertedResult, ExtractorClass.class);

                } catch (ApiException e) {
                    System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#getCompanyFilings");


And finally here is the custom table:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;

import com.g4ther.SECextractor.Date;
import com.g4ther.SECextractor.Filing;
import com.g4ther.SECextractor.FilingDate;

public class FilingsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
    private String[] columnNames =
        "Filing Date",
        "Report Type",
        "Report URL"

    private List<Filing> filings;

    public FilingsTableModel()
        filings = new ArrayList<Filing>();

    public FilingsTableModel(List<Filing> filings)
        this.filings = filings;

    public int getColumnCount()
        return columnNames.length;

    public String getColumnName(int column)
        return columnNames[column];

    public int getRowCount()
        return filings.size();

    public Class getColumnClass(int column)
        switch (column)
            case 2: return Date.class;
            default: return String.class;

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column)
        switch (column)
            case 2: return true; // only the birth date is editable
            default: return false;

    public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
        Filing filing = getFiling(row);

        switch (column)
            case 0: return filing.getId();
            case 1: return filing.getFilingDate();
            case 2: return filing.getReportType();
            case 3: return filing.getReportUrl();
            default: return null;

    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column)
        Filing filing = getFiling(row);

        switch (column)
            case 0: ((Filing) filing).setId((String)value); break;
            case 1: ((Filing) filing).setFilingDate((FilingDate)value); break;
            case 2: ((Filing) filing).setReportType((String)value); break;
            case 3: ((Filing) filing).setReportUrl((String)value); break;

        fireTableCellUpdated(row, column);

    public Filing getFiling(int row)
        return filings.get( row );

    public void addFilings(Filing filing)
        insertFilings(getRowCount(), filing);

    public void insertFilings(int row, Filing filing)
        filings.add(row, filing);
        fireTableRowsInserted(row, row);



Original API response:

    "filings": [
            "id": "fil_95GBZB",
            "filing_date": {
                "year": 2019,
                "month": 10,
                "day": 30
            "accepted_date": {
                "dateTime": {
                    "date": {
                        "year": 2019,
                        "month": 10,
                        "day": 30
                    "time": {
                        "hour": 16,
                        "minute": 30,
                        "second": 40,
                        "nano": 0
                "offset": {
                    "totalSeconds": 0
            "period_end_date": {
                "year": 2019,
                "month": 10,
                "day": 30
            "report_type": "8-K",
            "sec_unique_id": "0000320193-19-000117",
            "filing_url": "",
            "report_url": "\u003d/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000032019319000117/a8-kq420199282019.htm",
            "instance_url": ""
    "company": {
        "id": "com_NX6GzO",
        "ticker": "AAPL",
        "name": "Apple Inc",
        "lei": "HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394",
        "cik": "0000320193"
    "next_page": "MjAxOS0xMC0zMHw1NzkxNjc1"

After mapping it and printing the extractedObjects to the console:

[[id: null, Filing Date: 2019/10/30, report_type: 8-K, Report url:]]

Really stuck here, can anyone help me please?


  • The method addFilings(Filing) in the type FilingsTableModel is not applicable for the arguments (ExtractorClass)

    First of all the method name should be addFiling(...) since the parameter is a single Filing object.

    Your extractor class has the following method:

    public List<Filing> getFilings() 
        return filings;

    Which returns a List of Filing objects.

    So you need to iterate through the List and invoke the addFiling(...) method for each Filing object contained in the List.