I'm trying to write unit tests for my Dashboard.vue
component using factory functions so that I could overwrite the store
and wrapper
as per needed.
Here is the code
import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'
import mergeWith from 'lodash.mergewith'
import mutationobserver from 'mutationobserver-shim'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue'
import Dashboard from '@/views/dashboard/Dashboard'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'
import { library as faLibrary } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import { faUser, faThumbsUp, faSignOutAlt, faBorderAll, faAlignJustify, faTrashAlt, faRandom } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import flushPromises from 'flush-promises'
faLibrary.add(faUser, faThumbsUp, faSignOutAlt, faBorderAll, faAlignJustify, faTrashAlt, faRandom)
const localVue = createLocalVue()
localVue.use(mutationobserver) // This is a necessary polyfill for Bootstrap-Vue
localVue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon)
function customizer (ovjValue, srcValue) {
If the property that takes precedence is an array,
overwrite the value rather than merging the arrays
if (Array.isArray(srcValue)) {
return srcValue
If the property that takes precedence is an empty object,
overwrite the property with an empty object
if (srcValue instanceof Object && Object.keys(srcValue).length === 0) {
return srcValue
describe('DashBoard component tests', () => {
let state
// let actions
// let getters
let store
let wrapper
let dashBoardData = [
{ db_name: 'Jobs', dxp_dashboardref: 1, dxp_hidden: 0, dxp_position: 1, dxp_ref: 926 },
{ db_name: 'Firms', dxp_dashboardref: 2, dxp_hidden: 0, dxp_position: 2, dxp_ref: 927 },
{ db_name: 'CRM', dxp_dashboardref: 5, dxp_hidden: 0, dxp_position: 3, dxp_ref: 987 }
// beforeEach(() => {
state = {
auth: {
user: {
auids: '',
md_clock: 0,
md_picture: '',
ps_fname1: '',
ps_surname: '',
psname: 'Test Test',
psref: 0
app: {
dashBoardData: []
function createStore (overrides) {
const defaultStoreConfig = {
// state: {
// state
// },
getters: {
getDashBoardData: () => dashBoardData
actions: {
loadDashboard: jest.fn(),
updateDashBoardData: jest.fn()
return new Vuex.Store(
mergeWith(defaultStoreConfig, overrides, customizer)
function createWrapper (overrrides) {
const defaultMountingOptions = {
store: createStore()
return mount(
// START: Testing existence of DOM Elements tests
it('is a Vue instance', () => {
const wrapper = createWrapper({})
Essentially, I'm trying to use a createWrapper
method which has a default store unless overrides
or customizer
are passed. When I run the test I get the following errors
console.error node_modules/vuex/dist/vuex.common.js:899
[vuex] unknown getter: getDashBoardData
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.common.dev.js:621
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
Now, I have two questions:
unknown getter
when I have declared it in the defaultStoreConfig
. For some reason it doesn't recognize the state variable I'm passing. Any ideas why ?If I simply declare the wrapper inside a beforeEach
like so I can pass some of my test but for others which I need to overwrite either getters
or actions
, I'm not able to do that unless I have the factory functions
getters = {
getDashBoardData: () => dashBoardData
actions = {
loadDashboard: jest.fn(),
updateDashBoardData: jest.fn()
store = new Vuex.Store({
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Solved this by passing the state inside defaultStoreConfig
rather than separately when creating the store
const defaultStoreConfig = {
state: {
auth: {
user: {
auids: '',
md_clock: 0,
md_picture: '',
ps_fname1: '',
ps_surname: '',
psname: 'Test Test',
psref: 0
app: {
dashBoardData: []
getters: {
getDashBoardData: () => dashBoardData
actions: {
loadDashboard: jest.fn(),
updateDashBoardData: jest.fn()
it('is a Vue instance', () => {
const wrapper = createWrapper()