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Create a pivot table where the resulting columns are the product of the original columns and rows?

This might be impossible to do without a ton of expensive scripting, but I would like to run it by the experts in case I'm missing something. It's hard to explain (because it's nonsensical.. i.e. not my choice), so I'll just give a very simplified example.

My source data sheet is like this...

|     Date | Time  | Cars | Trucks |
| 01/01/19 | 08:00 | 2    | 12     |
| 01/01/19 | 12:00 | 4    | 10     |
| 01/01/19 | 20:00 | 6    | 8      |
| 01/02/19 | 08:00 | 8    | 6      |
| 01/02/19 | 12:00 | 10   | 4      |
| 01/02/19 | 20:00 | 12   | 2      |

.. and I want to have another sheet dynamically display it like ...

|          | 08:00         | 12:00         | 20:00         |
|          | Cars | Trucks | Cars | Trucks | Cars | Trucks |
| 01/01/19 | 2    | 12     | 4    | 10     | 6    | 8      |
| 01/02/19 | 8    | 6      | 10   | 4      | 12   | 2      |

In other words, a column for each time at category combined. Keep in mind that, in reality, this is a large data set. Also, I have a little bit of flexibility in the headers in the sense that, the two header rows in the output could be one. Something like "Cars 8:00", "Trucks 8:00", "Cars 12:00"... etc

Does anybody know how this could be done with a pivot table? Or some other simple'ish method?

Here's a live version of the same example...


  • try:

     QUERY({Source!A2:B, TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(Source!C2:D),,999^99))}, 
     "select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col2"), 
     "limit 0", 1)),,999^99)), " "), "1899-12-30", ), "hh:mm"), ""}; {"", 
     SPLIT(REPT(Source!C1&" "&Source!D1&" ", COUNTUNIQUE(Source!B2:B)), " ")}; 
     "select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col2"), 
     "offset 1", 0))&" ",,999^99)), " ", 1, 0)), "where "&JOIN(" or ", "Col"&
     ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A"&COUNTUNIQUE(Source!A2:A)))&" is not null"), 0))})


    spreadsheet demo