I am trying to check whether the units are compatible and then either use calc() or just calculate them in pre-processing.
Is there any way of checking the unit type in Sass?
If I type:
test {
content: type-of(1px);
content: type-of(1%);
content: type-of(1em);
I get
/* CSS */
test {
content: number;
content: number;
content: number;
Is there a way of getting something more like:
/* CSS */
test {
content: px;
content: percent;
content: em;
It can potentially save a lot of unnecessary CSS that can be easily optimised in pre-processing.
For example when a @mixin or a @function can take either fixed or flexible units:
# flexible container needs calc()
width:calc(((100vw - (12vw + 242px)) / 12) * 6 + 110px)
# fixed main container
width:calc(((2880px - (110px + 242px)) / 12) * 6 + 110px)
# can be calculated in SASS and rendered simply as
I think using calc()
is fine, but you could get the units by multiplying the original value by 0, converting to a string, then removing the zero.
@function getUnit($value) {
@return str-slice($value * 0 + "", 2, -1);
Demo: https://www.sassmeister.com/gist/6ac692efdbb8a28be8a3cd4346b39970
FYI, there’s also a unit()
function but the docs warn that:
“This function is intended for debugging; its output format is not guaranteed to be consistent across Sass versions or implementations.”
If that’s not a concern for your use case, then that would probably be the simplest way to go.