Basis a condition in my Observable, I want to delay onNext / onError. My code is as follows:
fun check3(){
val list = arrayListOf(1,2,3,4,5,6,7, null)
val obs = Observable.create<Int> { subscriber ->
list.filter {
it != null
}.map {
if (it!! %2 == 0 ) {
subscriber.onError(IllegalArgumentException("Mod is true"))
} else {
A sore here being Thread.sleep(3000)
Is there a better way of doing this? Basically I want to delay the onError notification to my subscriber if the if(it %2) condition is met
You can use concatMap
to turn the sleep into a non-blocking delay:
Observable.fromIterable(list.filter { it != null })
.concatMap {
if (it!! % 2 == 0) {
return@concatMap Observable.error(IllegalArgumentException("Mod is true"))
.delay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS, true)