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EaselJS - Change Transparency of a Line

I've been using CreateJS (EaselJS) for a while now, and have utilized Bitmaps as well as Rect shapes. I'm currently working with the line shape to draw a line between two points.

I want to change the transparency of the line. With a bitmap or rect shape, that would be as simple as shape.alpha = 0.5

However, this does not work for the line object. Any ideas on how to make a translucent line?

let line = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().setStrokeStyle(8).beginStroke("#FF0000").moveTo(startingX, startingY).lineTo(endX, endY).endStroke());
line.alpha = .2

Thanks so much!


  • Other than the instructions, there is no difference between a "rect shape" and a line. Your sample code works just fine

    I added start and end points but otherwise it's the same code as yours.

    let line = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().setStrokeStyle(8)
      .moveTo(100, 100)
      .lineTo(200, 200)
    line.alpha = .2

    Make sure you are updating the stage after making the alpha change.


    Also, you can use transparent colors.

