I have set my Connection string to use Character Set=utf8mb4:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyDatabase": "User Id=root;Host=;Port=3306;Database=my_database;Character Set=utf8mb4;Password=password;"
I ran dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
to create the initial migration with the database creation, but when I run dotnet ef database update
the database is created with latin1
The character set specified in the DSN/connection string specifies the client character set, it will be used for conversion when sending data to and from the server.
To change the default character set of the server you have the following options:
Specifying the character set when creating a database (or table):
or CREATE TABLE mytable (a varchar(100)) CHARSET=utf8
Changing the server character set for the current session: SET session character_set_server=utf8
Changing the server configuration by adding (or changing) the entry character-set-server=utf8
in your server configuration file.
SET global character_set_server=utf8
will work too, but after a server restart it will be set to the previous (default) value.
If you create a new table (without specifying the character set) the default character set from the database/schema will be used.