I'm currently trying to draw some pretty PieCharts with AmCharts4.
The problem is that I have a lot of different and small data in my dataset, which leads to a lot of labels. AmCharts4 aligns the labels only to the left and right on my PieChart which leads to that some labels are not displayed. I do not want to hide any labels.
I searched on google and tried to find sth in the amcharts docs but I was not able to find anything helpful except of this example https://www.codeseek.co/EpicVisionStudio/simple-pie-chart-GroyYx?lang=es. This is exactly what i need but it is based on amcharts3 and i want to use amcharts4, but I'm not able to migrate that example.
Here is the code i tried with AmCharts4:
am4core.ready(() => {
// Themes begin
// Themes end
// Create chart instance
const chart = am4core.create('chartdiv', am4charts.PieChart);
// Add data
// chart.data = this.portfolioSecurityData;
chart.data = [
country: 'Account Status',
litres: 501.9,
country: 'Random Safety',
litres: 301.9,
country: 'IFTA',
litres: 201.1,
country: 'Vehicle Registration',
litres: 165.8,
country: 'All Trucks In',
litres: 139.9,
country: 'Tandem Weight',
litres: 128.3,
country: 'Site Random',
litres: 99,
country: 'No WIM',
litres: 60,
country: 'more data 1',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
country: 'more data',
litres: 50,
chart.exporting.menu = new am4core.ExportMenu();
// Set inner radius
chart.innerRadius = am4core.percent(50);
chart.radius = am4core.percent(80);
// Add and configure Series
const pieSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.PieSeries());
pieSeries.dataFields.value = 'litres';
pieSeries.dataFields.category = 'country';
pieSeries.slices.template.stroke = am4core.color('#fff');
pieSeries.slices.template.strokeWidth = 2;
pieSeries.slices.template.strokeOpacity = 1;
// This creates initial animation
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.opacity = 1;
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.endAngle = -90;
pieSeries.hiddenState.properties.startAngle = -90;
pieSeries.labels.template.fontSize = 12;
I attched two pictures of the results:
You have a few options here.
Decreasing padding of the labels so they are packed more closely together:
pieSeries.labels.template.padding(1, 1, 1, 1);
Unalign labels (like in V3):
pieSeries.alignLabels = false;
Group small slices using official Slice Grouper plugin.
var grouper = pieSeries.plugins.push(new am4plugins_sliceGrouper.SliceGrouper());
grouper.clickBehavior = "break";
grouper.threshold = 3;