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RubyMotion fresh project gives error dlopen(/Applications/, 2): image not found

An existing or new project with RubyMotion gives the following error dlopen(/Applications/, 2): image not found and simulator does not open


  • System details - Mojave - Xcode 11.1 - Latest public Rubymotion from the website

    • Launch Xcode up and accept any terms and let it download any tools it thinks it needs to start up
    • run sudo xcodebuild -license
    • run sudo xcode-select --install && sudo xcode-select --reset make sure you're all up to date (I don't know if the installer does this already, but it doesn't hurt) sudo motion update motion repo

    Then for above error: dlopen(/Applications/, 2): image not found or objc[98906]: Class __SwiftNativeNSIndexSetBase is implemented in both /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib (0x7fff924d4e98) and /Applications/ (0x1058f3f20)

    This copy of libswiftCore.dylib requires an OS version prior to 10.14.4. run sudo cp -r /usr/lib/swift/*.dylib /Applications/ sudo touch /Applications/