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Is there a way to change the values of the CharacterJoint component (eg. hightwistlimit) in a script in unity?

I want to change the various joint angles of the characterjoint with a script in runtime. But I didn't find a way to access the angles via script.

I found the scripting API for characterjoints here: But I'm still not sure, for example how to change the swingLimit1 value of a specific characterjoint.

I'm using this code to call the functions of a characterjoint but "jnt" doesn't have any of those functions.

CharacterJoint[] jnts;

    void Start()
        jnts = GetComponentsInChildren<CharacterJoint>();    

    void Update()
        foreach (Joint jnt in jnts)


  • Oh god I feel like an idiot. The problem was I used "Joint" instead of "CharacterJoint" in the foreach loop. This is the correct version:

    void Update()
            foreach (CharacterJoint jnt in jnts)

    Thanks for the help!