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Alternative algorithm for integral calculation inaccurate

I thought of an algorithm for integral calculation that should be more accurate that the regular rectangle approach. My algorithm can be best described with a graphic (I am using f(x) = sin(x) as example): algorithm

  1. First the x and y positions of the points P1, P2, P3, P4 are calculated (red dots).

  2. The area of the green four sided figure is a part of the result. This area is calculated by dividing it into two triangles (blue line).

  3. The area of each triangle is calculated using the Heron’s formula.

I think it is obvious that this should lead to much better results than the rectangle approach.

In code this looks like this:

double integral(double f(double x), double min, double max) {
    Point p1, p2, p3, p4;
    double area = 0.0;
    double s1 = 0.0;
    double s2 = 0.0;

    for(double x = min; x < max; x += stepSize) {
        p1.x = x;
        p1.y = 0.0;

        p2.x = x;
        p2.y = f(x);

        p3.x = x + stepSize;
        p3.y = f(x + stepSize);

        p4.x = x + stepSize;
        p4.y = 0.0;

        s1 = 0.5 * (distance(p1, p2) + distance(p2, p4) + distance(p1, p4));
        s2 = 0.5 * (distance(p2, p3) + distance(p3, p4) + distance(p2, p4));

        area += sqrt(s1 * (s1 - distance(p1, p2)) * (s1 - distance(p2, p4)) * (s1 - distance(p1, p4)));
        area += sqrt(s2 * (s2 - distance(p2, p3)) * (s2 - distance(p3, p4)) * (s2 - distance(p2, p4)));

    return area;

The distance function is just returning the distance between two points in 2D space. The Point struct is just holding a x and y coordinate. stepSize is a constant that I set to 0.001

My function is giving a result that is correct, but I wanted to know how much more precise it is compared to the rectangle approach.

On the internet I found this code that is calculating a integral using rectangles:

double integral2(double(*f)(double x), double a, double b, int n) {
    double step = (b - a) / n;  // width of each small rectangle
    double area = 0.0;  // signed area
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
        area += f(a + (i + 0.5) * step) * step; // sum up each small rectangle
    return area;

I both tested them using the standard math.h sin function from 0.0 to half π. This area should be 1.

My algorithm has given me the result 1.000204 for a step-size of 0.001.

The rectangle algorithm hast given me the result 1.000010 with a calculated step-size of 0.015708.

How can such a difference in accuracy and step-size be explained? Did I implement my algorithm wrong?


Using the calculated step-size of the second method, I get the result 0.999983 which is much closer to one than the result with a step-size of 0.001.

Now how can that work??


  • Your last trapezoid may be too wide: x+stepSize may be above max if max-min isn't a multiple of stepSize. That's why in the rectangular summation code you included, rather than stepSize, they use n (the number of rectangles).

    You compute the trapezoid in a complicated way. Note that its area is stepSize * (P2.y + P3.y)/2. This adds computation cost, but I guess is not the cause of the numerical error in your test integral.

    Except for these issues, your method is otherwise equivalent to the trapezoid rule.

    Here is Python code that approximates the integral in three different ways, using 100 rectangles. The three ways are trap_heron (your method, using Heron's rule), trap (trapezoid method), and rect (rectangular summation). Your question is C++, but the results should be the same.

    import math
    N = 100
    def dist(a, b):
        dx = a[0] - b[0]
        dy = a[1] - b[1]
        return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
    def trap_heron(f, min, max):
        area = 0.0
        for i in range(N):
            x0 = min + (max-min) * i/N
            x1 = min + (max-min) * (i+1)/N
            y0 = f(x0)
            y1 = f(x1)
            p1 = (x0, 0.0)
            p2 = (x0, y0)
            p3 = (x1, y1)
            p4 = (x1, 0.0)
            s1 = 0.5 * (dist(p1, p2) + dist(p2, p4) + dist(p1, p4))
            s2 = 0.5 * (dist(p2, p3) + dist(p3, p4) + dist(p2, p4))
            area += math.sqrt(s1 * (s1 - dist(p1, p2)) * (s1 - dist(p2, p4)) * (s1 - dist(p1, p4)))
            area += math.sqrt(s2 * (s2 - dist(p2, p3)) * (s2 - dist(p3, p4)) * (s2 - dist(p2, p4)))
        return area
    def trap(f, min, max):
        area = 0.0
        for i in range(N):
            x0 = min + (max-min) * i/N
            x1 = min + (max-min) * (i+1)/N
            y0 = f(x0)
            y1 = f(x1)
            area += (x1-x0) * (y0+y1)/2
        return area
    def rect(f, min, max):
        area = 0.0
        for i in range(N):
            y = f(min + (max-min)*(i+0.5)/N)
            area += (max-min)/N * y
        return area
    print(trap(math.sin, 0, math.pi/2))
    print(trap_heron(math.sin, 0, math.pi/2))
    print(rect(math.sin, 0, math.pi/2))

    The output is:


    Note that trap and trap_heron produce very nearly the same result.

    In your comments, you have a result of 1.015686. The error is very close to stepSize * sin(pi/2), so I guess you've summed up one too many trapezoids.