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value(importrange()) not converting text into number


I'm importing the number value of a cell from one Google Sheet to another.


Using importrange("sheet_url","cell"), the value imports just fine. However, I can't perform any calculations with the imported value.

I thought importrange() imports the number value as a text, but value(importrange("sheet_url","cell")) which should handle texts gives a #VALUE error.


How can I import the number value such that I can perform calculations with it?


  • try in Revenue tab, cell G85:

    =SUBSTITUTE(IMPORTRANGE("1G6_3i5rSEdskNX2SLTPnQURRldbKnUrGOfsTX36YHpE"; "Paid Revenue!B12");
     "."; ",")

    the reason is the transition from US syntax to EU syntax

    0.1 = valid number in US syntax
    0,1 = valid number in EU syntax