I am trying to forward/add the Actuator Camel metrics from /actuator/camelroutes
(route metrics like number of exchanges/transactions) to the Prometheus Actuator endpoint. Is there a way for me to configure Camel to add those metrics to the PrometheusMeterRegistry?
I have tried adding:
in my application.properties
according to the documentation here: https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/metrics-component.html
But still nothing relating to Apache Camel is displayed in actuator/prometheus
Here are the dependencies I am using with Spring Boot 2.1.9 and Apache Camel 2.24.2:
Got the Camel Routes metrics working in the /actuator/prometheus
Use the camel-micrometer-starter dependency as stated by @claus-ibsen 's comment.
Set the following in your properties file:
Then add set the Camel Context to use the MicrometerRouterPolicyFactory and MicrometerMessageHistoryFactory. Code seen below is places in a Configuration class:
public class AppConfig {
public CamelContextConfiguration camelContextConfiguration() {
return new CamelContextConfiguration() {
public void beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
camelContext.addRoutePolicyFactory(new MicrometerRoutePolicyFactory());
camelContext.setMessageHistoryFactory(new MicrometerMessageHistoryFactory());
public void afterApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
You need to trigger an exchange in a route for the metrics to appear in /actuator/prometheus
Here are the metrics made available to Prometheus:
You can use the JMX Exporter jar for Prometheus to get the more detailed metrics from the JMX of Camel. I wanted to avoid this approach as it would mean that for each Camel Spring Boot App I have would use 2 ports; 1 for the JMX Metrics and 1 for the Actuator Metrics.