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MongoDB .NET: Converting Json to BsonArray

I have a Json file looked like this

"Version": 1,
   "Employee": "Emp_ID",
   "Jobs": "Job_ID",
   "Contacts": "Contact_form"
    "Employee": "xyz",
    "Jobs": "1",
    "Contacts": "Home"
     "Number": "100",
     "Location": "NY",
     "Price": "100k",
     "Clients": "Crowded"
etc etc

Above is basically a Json file, but I can't deserialize it into BsonArray in order to make a list and put in the database/colletion Here is my code trying to deserialize it

string json_data;
using (var json_reader = new JsonReader(json_data))
                var serializer = new BsonArraySerializer();
                BsonArray bsonArray = serializer.Deserialize(BsonDeserializationContext.CreateRoot(json_reader));
                foreach (BsonValue value in bsonArray)

I will always get the Error: "Can't deserialize BsonDocument to BsonArray". Please help me with it. Thank you


  • For array, your JSON data should be between square brackets. ([...])

    You can try this.

    var json_reader = new JsonReader("[" + json_data + "]"))