I am trying to conditionally run check in express validator, the functional part of the validator can easily be handled because I am passing in req but the check part won't conditionally run. Please help
I've tried turning the check part to a function and it is not working. This is what I want to achieve but the tenary fails
const onewayCheck = body('tripType').equals('one-way') ? [
.exists({ checkFalsy: true })
.withMessage('currentOfficeLocation Current Office Location is required')
.withMessage('currentOfficeLocation Current Office Location must be an integer'),
.exists({ checkFalsy: true })
.withMessage('destination Destination is required')
.withMessage('destination Destination must be an integer'),
.exists({ checkFalsy: true })
.withMessage('departureDate Departure date is required'),
.exists({ checkFalsy: true })
.withMessage('travelReasons Travel Reasons is required')
.withMessage('travelReasons Travel Reasons should be strings'),
.exists({ checkFalsy: true })
.withMessage('accommodation Accommodation is required')
.withMessage('accommodation Accommodation must be an integer'),
] : [];
I want to ensure the check woks
I was able to solve it by using a middleware in the route as follows
.post('/request', validate(onewayCheck(), 'one-way'),
validate(multicityCheck(), 'Multi-city'), multicityValidateInput, tripRequest)
The validate function checks for the type of request
const validate = (validations, tripType) => async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.body.tripType === tripType) {
await Promise.all(validations.map(validation => validation.run(req)));
return next();