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How to skip properties in destination source in modelmapper?

I have two classes. RequestDTO and Entity. I want to map RequestDTO to the Entity. In that case, I want to insert one of the Entity property manually which means that property is not in the Request DTO. How to achieve this using modelmapper.

public class RequestDTO {

    private String priceType;

    private String batchType;

public class Entity {

    private long id;

    private String priceType;

    private String batchType;

Entity newEntity =, Entity.class);

But this does not work, it says it can't convert string to long. I request a solution to this or a better approach to this.


  • If you want to perform the mapping manually (ideally for dissimilar objects)

    You can check the documentation for dissimilar object mapping Property Mapping,

    You can define a property mapping by using method references to match a source getter and destination setter.

    typeMap.addMapping(Source::getFirstName, Destination::setName);

    The source and destination types do not need to match.

     typeMap.addMapping(Source::getAge, Destination::setAgeString);

    If you don't want to do the mapping field by field to avoid boilerplate code

    you can configure a skip mapper, to avoid mapping certain fields to your destination model:

    modelMapper.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.skip(Entity::setId));

    I've created a test for your case and the mapping works for both side without configuring anything :

    import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
    import org.junit.Before;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper;
    import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
    import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertNotNull;
    public class ModelMapperTest {
        private ModelMapper modelMapper;
        public void beforeTest() {
            this.modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
        public void fromSourceToDestination() {
            Source source = new Source(1L, "Hello");
            Destination destination =, Destination.class);
            assertEquals("Hello", destination.getName());
        public void fromDestinationToSource() {
            Destination destination = new Destination("olleH");
            Source source =, Source.class);
            assertEquals("olleH", destination.getName());
    class Source {
        private Long id;
        private String name;
    class Destination {
        private String name;