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Eigen vertical stacking rows into Matrix

I would like to create a matrix of size 2N x 9 where N is a dynamic value by vertical stacking 2N 1x9 matrices.

Here's what I tried doing.

using CoefficientMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 9>;
using CoefficientRow = Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, 9>;

CoefficientMatrix A(2*N, 9);

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    CoefficientRow ax;
    CoefficientRow ay;
    // fill in ax and ay
    A << ax, ay;

But, I get the following runtime error.

Assertion failed: (((m_row+m_currentBlockRows) == m_xpr.rows() || m_xpr.cols() == 0) && m_col == m_xpr.cols() && "Too few coefficients passed to comma initializer (operator<<)"), function finished, file /usr/local/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/CommaInitializer.h, line 120.

I tried parsing through the assertion syntax but I'm not sure what those internal variable names are referring to in terms of my code (new to Eigen).

Thanks for any assistance.


  • TLDR: Write something like this:

    CoefficientMatrix A(2*N, 9);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        CoefficientRow ax;
        CoefficientRow ay;
        // fill in ax and ay
        A.row(2*i)   = ax;
        A.row(2*i+1) = ay;

    The reason of your error is (as Avi explained) that the operator<< is intended to fill an entire matrix at once. In fact, calling operator<<(Array &A, Array const &b) assigns b to the top-left corner of A and returns a proxy-object which holds a reference to A and keeps track of how much entries of A already got assigned to (stored in m_row, m_currentBlockRows, m_col) and overloads operator, which assigns the next expression to the corresponding position of a and increases the position accordingly. Finally, when that proxy object gets destructed (which usually happens "at the ;") the destructor checks if all entries of A have been filled (and raises a failed assertion, if not).

    If you prefer to use the << , syntax you could also write:

        A.middleRows<2>(2*i) << ax, ay;

    With optimizations enabled that should generate the same code as the simple implementation above (so choose whichever is easier to read for you).

    N.B.: You could technically (ab)use the CommaInitializer in a loop, by constructing it outside the loop, assigning it to a variable and then only use the , operator inside the loop. I'll intentionally won't give more details on how to do that ...