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Define a method, call and interceptor and delegate to target with ByteBuddy?

I have an object service that has several methods, one of those methods is foo(arg1, arg2).

Want to create a new wrapper class that:

  • has single method _foo with one additional argument
  • delegate _foo execution to an interceptor, return is ignored
  • finally, delegate call to target foo on service.

Somehow, I am failing to do so:

final List<Class<?>> parameters =


final DynamicType.Unloaded unloadedType = new ByteBuddy()
    .name(service.getClass().getSimpleName() + "Dynamic")
        "_" + methodName,

fooInterceptor is an InvocatiomHandler instance:

public class FooInterceptor implements InvocationHandler {
public Object invoke(
    @This final Object proxy,
    @Origin final Method method.
    @AllArguments final Object[] args) {

The exception says that my fooService "does not accept 0 arguments".

May I call from the interceptor - but not using reflection? I am not being able to do so (but didn't play with that part yet).


EDIT: I have no control in what methods are in service so I can't simply use to(service) with intercept call; there might be a case where ByteBuddy would not be able to find the matching method.

EDIT2: If I can just 'tell' ByteBuddy the name of target method to bind, that would be awesome. Then I could use to(service) with given hint.


  • You can supply a matcher to MethodDelegation to narrow down the methods to consider:


    As for your MethodCall, you need to specify what arguments to include, foo takes two arguments. Since your original arguments seems to be equivalent, you can set:
