I want to change the icon when I click on it with react spring. For example, when I click on "🤪", it will change into "😄". In the documentation of react spring, it's possible to make it with the transition props, but how do I toggle it with onClick?
the following codes are provided by react spring
from={{ position: 'absolute', opacity: 0 }}
enter={{ opacity: 1 }}
leave={{ opacity: 0 }}>
{toggle =>
? props => <div style={props}>😄</div>
: props => <div style={props}>🤪</div>
create a button and change toggle
value on click:
function App() {
const [toggle, setToggle] = React.useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setToggle(!toggle)}>toggle</button>
from={{ position: "absolute", opacity: 0 }}
enter={{ opacity: 1 }}
leave={{ opacity: 0 }}
{toggle =>
? props => <div style={props}>😄</div>
: props => <div style={props}>🤪</div>