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How to implement authenticated routes in React / Ant Design Pro

I want to be able to perform:


And if not logged user will be redirected to the login page and from there to /compose. I'll be happy to learn a generic React solution or a specific Ant Design Pro solution. I know that And Design Pro have AuthorizedRoute but I don't know if it can allow this.

I'm using react-router 4.3.1 and antd 3.23.6.



It probably needs to be something like @tyler-mcginnin answer:

function PrivateRoute ({component: Component, authed,}) {
  return (
      render={(props) => authed === true
        ? <Component {...props} />
        : <Redirect to={{pathname: '/login', state: {from: props.location}}} />}


  • I use React-router and then a conditional to do that. If I had a isAuthenticated variable, set to either true or false, passed into props it would look like this:

        let routes = (//unauthenticated routes
                <Route path = "/auth" component = {Auth} />
                <Redirect to = "/auth" />
        if(props.isAuthenticated){ //authenticated routes
            routes  = (
                    <Route path = "/manager" component = {DataManager} />
                    <Route path = "/logout" component = {Logout} />
                    <Redirect to = "/visualiser" />

    Update based on comments:

    Then in your auth component make a variable that sets the authRediect variable and then render that in your JSX. Something like this:

        // This sets up a <Redirect> component so that if the state isAuthenticated is true it will not show the /auth page and isntead will redirect to the desired component:
        let authRedirect = null;
        if (props.isAuthenticated) {
            authRedirect = <Redirect to = "/visualiser" />
                        {/*The line below performs an auth redirect if the user is authenticated*/}
                        <h1>Welcome </h1>

    So basically you just return the authRedirect variable conditionally based on whether your state is set to an authenticated state or not.