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Does the final keyword provide optimization if all derived classes are known at compile time?

In theory, using the final keyword on a virtual method declaration in C++11 and onwards allows inlining of the method.

This can be seen here.

However, I suspect that in practice, if it is known at compile time that there are no derived classes overriding that method, the compiler can insert a final for us and inline the method.

However, putting this into compiler explorer shows that it still provides optimizations.

Why is this?


  • final keyword on a virtual method declaration in C++11 and onwards allows inlining of the method

    Not inlining, but de-virtualization.

    However, I suspect that in practice, if it is known at compile time that there are no derived classes overriding that method, [..]

    You cannot know at compile time that there are no other derived classes (unless class is final): user or other TU might provide some. it might potentially be done at link, supposing no dynamic loading...

    [..] the compiler can insert a final for us and inline the method However, putting this into compiler explorer shows that it still provides optimizations.

     struct A {
         virtual void f() {}
    struct B : public A {
         void f() final override {}
    struct C : public A {
         void f() override {}
    void foo(B& b) { b.f(); }
    void bar(C& c) { c.f(); }
            rep ret
            rep ret
            mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rdi]
            mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rax]
            cmp     rax, OFFSET FLAT:C::f()
            jne     .L6
            rep ret
            jmp     rax

    Why is this?

    Here, compiler inlines call of C::f (rep ret) for the case when dynamic type of c is C: then instead of calling C::f, it does what C::f does (-> nothing).

    virtual call is still call for other dynamic type (jmp rax).