I have a collection down below. I am trying to update an array element.
I am trying to update if lineItem _id value is 1 then go to spec list and update characteristicsValue from 900 to 50 if specName is "Model", as you can see, _id is also an array.
collection data:
"_id": "100",
"name": "Campaign",
"status": "Active",
"parts": {
"lineItem": [
"_id": [
"name": "A",
"value": "1"
"spec": [
"specName": "Brand",
"characteristicsValue": [
"value": "500"
"specName": "Model",
"characteristicsValue": [
"value": "900"
"_id": [
"name": "B",
"value": "2"
"spec": [
"specName": "Brand",
"characteristicsValue": [
"value": "300"
"specName": "Model",
"characteristicsValue": [
"value": "150"
"_id": [
"name": "C",
"value": "2"
related update doesnt work as I expected.
db.Collection.update({"parts.lineItem._id.value" : "1",
"parts.lineItem.spec.specName" : "Model" },{ $set: {
"parts.lineItem.spec.$.characteristicsValue" : "50" } })
EDIT: Every _id has a spec array. so, we need to find _id and then go to spec under _id array, find the brand and update the value.
Try this way:
{ $set: { "parts.lineItem.$[outer].spec.$[inner].characteristicsValue" : "50" } },
{ multi: true, arrayFilters: [{"outer._id.value" : "1"}, {"inner.specName" : "Model"}]}