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CSP Scanner: Wildcard Directive alert for OpenID Connect session management endpoint

We used ZAP 2.8 to scan our angular web application implemented with IdentityServer4 (implicit flow).

It generated a Wildcard Directive alert (show in below), I am not sure it is a security issue or not.

If it is a security issue, what should we do? The OpenID Connect session management endpoint is not part of our app, it is IdentityServer4 build-in functionality. any suggestions? thanks

Medium (Medium) CSP Scanner: Wildcard Directive Description The following directives either allow wildcard sources (or ancestors), are not defined, or are overly broadly defined:frame-ancestor


Method GET

Parameter Content-Security-Policy

Evidence default-src 'none'; script-src 'sha256-ZT3q7lL9GXNGhPTB1Vvrvds2xw/kOV0zoeok2tiV23I='


  • The issue is that the frame-ancestors isn't defined. Per:

    default-src fallback No. Not setting this allows anything.

    So even though you did define default-src, frame-ancestors doesn't fallback to it, so since it's unspecified it'll accept anything.

    It's up to you (or whoever controls the other component) if that's an issue or not.